Established in 1794 and home of the Relics of St. Herman of Alaska.

From this day, from this hour, from this minute, let us strive to love God above all, and fulfill His holy will.”

-St. Herman of Alaska

Our parish is one of the oldest in North America and is blessed to house the relics of St. Herman of Alaska. Join us for our regular cycle of services or stop by on a cruise ship day to visit our beautiful church building and shop at our bookstore.

Together we lift high your holy cross, which you planted firmly in America.

We are a welcoming, English-speaking parish in Kodiak, Alaska in the Orthodox Church in America.

New to Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church was founded by the Apostles of Jesus Christ in 33 AD. Find out how we live our ancient faith today.

All are Welcome - Come and See

Revealing Christ in me. Discovering Christ in you. United we worship. United we serve.

Are you a new parishioner or friend of the parish who would like to receive updates and news? Reach out to Fr. Innocent to be added to the parish email list!